Watercolor Illustration, Workshops, & Paper Goods


Colorful and whimsical art for your home, inspired by all the magic nature has to offer.


Cow Art Print

Cow Art Print

from $20.00

Meet Clara the Cow, the latest to join the "Furries and Feathers in Flower Crowns" series. Clara was originally completed in watercolor, gouache & ink. Her crown is made up of blue columbine and yellow and orange sneezeweed.

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Rainbow Beetle Art Print beetle 2.jpeg

Rainbow Beetle Art Print

from $20.00
Puffin Art Print

Puffin Art Print

from $20.00
raccoon print.jpg https://i.etsystatic.com/5259328/r/il/baf6e1/2104521027/il_fullxfull.2104521027_j1im.jpg

Raccoon Art Print

from $20.00
frog print1.jpg frog print 2.jpeg

Frog Art Print

from $20.00
Moths Art Print moth 11x14 1.jpeg

Moths Art Print
